Love Vibes II

Love Vibes II
Featuring Works by Single Artists

In a 2019 world of internet dating, how do we truly connect? How has virtual dating changed from the past when singles would meet in person, or be introduced? Can we feel the vibe through a computer monitor?

We call on unattached single artists over 18, of all gender identities and color, to participate publicly in our Love Vibes exhibition. You can submit any piece that best describes yourself, your interests, your vision for the future, etc.


Rules of the Game:

· Submit 3-5 images by January 29, 2019.

· Submit a brief dating profile describing your qualities and those of the one you’re looking for. Don’t forget gender-pronouns and sexual identity. This will appear next to your work.

· Submit an artist statement no longer than one page.

· All submitted work must be for sale.

· You must be a single, unattached, unpartnered, solo artist.



January 29, 2019, last day to submit entries.

February 2, 2019, drop off of selected artwork.

February 9, 2019, opening night reception.

March 2, 2019, closing and deinstallation.


Submission of Entries:

For more information: Kathy Gallegos 323/258-1435