Espejos photographers Olivia Barrionuevo and Victor Horcasitas
Meet and Greet: Friday, July 20, 2012 6 pm
Espejos is curated by Andres Montoya
Olivia Barrionuevo will be selling her limited edition book, The Ancient Mexicans, Gods, Goddesses, Myths and Tradition.
A Character presentation of the Maya and Aztec Traditions.
We welcome you to join us for a meet and greet of photographers Olivia Barrionuevo and Victor Horcasitas. Olivia and Victor tell compelling stories regarding their experiences and the people they have met.
Victor Horcasitas honors the disenfranchised. Befriending the homeless, Victor lives their stories and captures a moment in time when emotions mingle producing stunning photographs of those who choose to live a life according to their own terms.
Olivia Barrionuevo is fascinated by her cultural history. Through her photography we hear the footsteps of those who came before Ð a proud and dignified people. We are drawn into the honoring of history.
Light refreshments will be served.
July 14 through August 5, 2012