

Past Shows and Events

2013  2012  2011   2010   2009   2008   2007   2006   2005   2004   2003



     04/25/13 Sin Turistas: Make Love Not Gentrification


     04/13/13 New Works: Oscar Magallanes, Ricardo Estrada

     04/13/13 Jose Lopes: Compromised

  4/07/13   Closing Reception for Power Points and Kevin Hass Photographs


 3/20/13   Power of the Equinox


   3/09/13  Power Points


   3/09/13   In the Annex Room:  Kevin Hass - Photographs


  3/3/13   Discussion on Modernism and Googie Style


   02/9/13  Googie Style


   02/9/13   In the Annex Room:  The Love Show