Avenue 50 Studio
Fostering Youth Connections:
A Fundraiser Extravaganza

A night of music, art, food, wine & storytelling to support art, foster youth advocacy and foster youth development programs.
California Youth Connections (CYC) and Fostering Media Connections (FMC) are pairing up for their 3rd Annual Foster Youth Questival; a climb and festival to support youth-led foster care advocacy. Current or former foster youth and adult supporters will climb Mt. Shasta on the weekend of June 26th-June 30th, 2014.
Please join Avenue 50 Studio as we raise money for CYC and FMC in support of their efforts for a positive improvement of the foster care system.
Your 100% tax-deductible ticket includes;
Special Musical Performances by

Los Angeles-based experimental cellist, Isaac Takeuchi

East Los Angeles’ very own Nuevo Tropicália trio, El-Haru Kuroi
Storytelling by
current and former foster youth
and Food, Wine & Beverage!
There are approximately 12 million Americans who have experienced foster care in America, with over 400,000 children in the system today. While the story we so often hear is laced with the hardship these children and adults have to endure, there is another — wholly different – story: one etched in resilience and strength.
California Youth Connection (CYC), a youth-run and led legislative advocacy organization, is composed of hundreds of current and former foster youth who are the embodiment of that inspirational story. Since CYC was founded in 1988, it has grown into powerful political force, not only bending the arc of California’s public policy around foster care, but also empowering thousands of youth to speak directly to power. The example set by CYC and its young leaders has inspired as many as 106 youth-driven advocacy groups across the nation.
Fostering Media Connections (FMC) is a non-profit organization that harnesses the power of journalism and media to improve the foster care system. Over the years the stories shared by CYC-youth have become a cornerstone of the foster care narrative that FMC is writing.
Together, CYC and FMC are helping to give foster youth a platform to make their voices heard.
The Avenue 50 Studio is an arts presentation organization grounded in Chicana/o and Latina/o culture, visual arts, and the Northeast Los Angeles area. We seek to build bridges of cultural understanding through artistic expressions. We develop programming to inform our community through innovative projects that connect artists, students, academics, and members of the community. Avenue 50 is committed to providing a place where the life and artistic interests of an under-served community can be made visible.
Avenue 50 Studio is supported in part by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors through the Los Angeles County Arts Commission; the California Community Foundation; and the Department of Cultural Affairs.
Learn more about their work!
June 13 2014 | 7:30pm | $30
Avenue 50 Studio
131 N Ave. 50
Highland Park, CA 90042