“The Yearbook Series” Lynn Heinz
Opening reception Saturday October 14th 3pm -5pm
Closing Saturday November 11th 3pm – 5pm
Everyone has their own memories and feelings about their high school experience. I was not particularly happy at that time in my life. I was anxious, shy, and uncomfortable in my own skin. I always felt unable to meet the expectations that were required in order to be socially successful.
With this project, I have revisited that time from the point of view of where I am now. Some of these portraits are from my own senior yearbook and others I randomly selected from the internet.
They are not nostalgic pictures, nor do they demonize the people portrayed. By looking at them objectively, I can see how I have changed and grown.
I am able to see that they were just kids, just like me, with the same fears and insecurities. I can affirm that my journey is taking me in the direction I need to travel. I hope that the viewer can look at these paintings and consider their own journey and whether it’s where they want to be going.