Since his arrival from Ecuador to Los Angeles in the early 1970’s, the artist known as Maja (Milton Jurado) has been an undeniably important part of the Los Angeles art scene. He was one of the founding members of Self help Graphics along with Sister Karen Boccalero, Carlos Bueno and Antonio Ibañez. Maja is renowned for his furniture and metal works which are still coveted and sought after by serious collectors. He has championed the unique skill of creating wonderfully complex and colorful sculptures made out of bread dough, the medium he brought from his native Ecuador. He has mastered the method of turning this mundane material into extraordinary works of art. In a documentary entitled simply: “Maja” his long and indelible contribution to the arts is celebrated.
The featured pieces in this solo exhibition represent works by this self-taught artist. In the realm of artistic mediums, Maja embodies a true Renaissance Man. It is our aspiration that this exhibition successfully encapsulates the essence of his creative spirit.
January 13, 2024 – February 10, 2024